With Christmas getting more commercial every year, my family has decided that this year we are just stuffing each others stockings. No big expensive gifts for us. We are all adults anyway, so we decided to streamline the whole thing. Even if you are going the more traditional route with big gifts; it seems like everyone can use a little help coming up with ideas for to help Santa to fill those pesky mantle decorations. I hope this helps. Have a wonderful holiday season!
- Travel sized toiletries are always a hit. If the recipient travels a lot, wonderful! Even if they don’t, they will love them as long as you get products they enjoy. I have added some links to get you started. https://www.amazon.com/Gillette-Venus-Cosmo-Smooth-Womens/dp/B00I5H5Z1O?crid=1P5A1CC2726VQ&keywords=travel+size+toiletries&qid=1701214140&sprefix=Travel+size%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-8&linkCode=ll1&tag=fswebsite06-20&linkId=bc5ad4463179af62f68a2a1d9c86e6ab&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
- This little mini is a mighty breath freshener that easily fits in a purse or pocket. Who doesn’t want fresh breath?
- These handy little make-up removers are really nice to have for the make-up wearers in your life. The best part is you can open the bag and split them up amongst your applicable stockings. https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Cleansing-Towelette-Waterproof-Individually/dp/B07GKVBQDG/ref=sr_1_43?crid=1P5A1CC2726VQ&keywords=travel+size+toiletries&qid=1701214374&sprefix=Travel+size%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-43
- This one is for your Iphone users who also enjoy gadgets and being prepared. Have any former girl/boy scouts who love Apple on your list? https://www.amazon.com/Lightning-Keychain-Aluminum-Carabiner-Multifunction/dp/B0784JR9GR/ref=sr_1_14?crid=2WEV1OPZC9RF1&keywords=small+gadgets&qid=1701214790&sprefix=small+gadgets%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-14